For many years chiropractors have assisted their local communities by keeping people pain free and in helping everyone to develop a healthier lifestyle. Chiropractic postural correction and realignment helps to assist your body to heal, to achieve its optimum potential, and to create a lifestyle full of vitality. Research has shown that those with better posture have a greater independence and better health status as they age. Therefore posture and health are intrinsically linked. So decide how you want to age? Change your future with chiropractic and ultimately stand taller, move better and be pain free! Book an appointment with the AMI Clinic's chiropractor! Special offer - Initial Consultation and 1st Treatment £45 Call 01234 307565 # AMIClinic # SpecialistsIn # NeckandBackPain # ArthriticPain # WorkInjuries # MuscleAndJointInjuries # ChiropractorBedford # P...