#KidNatural #Vitalism - Beautifully explained Trust you body's innate powers!
Optimize your body's ability to:
Self Organize
Self Develop
Self Maintain
And Self Heal
Visit the AMI Clinic Today!
#AMIClinic #SpecialistsIn #NeckandBackPain #ArthriticPain #WorkInjuries #MuscleAndJointInjuries #ChiropractorBedford #PhysiotherapistBedford #SportsInjuryClinic #AlternativeTherapy
The AMI Clinic Bedford is a specialist chiropractic
clinic and physiotherapy centre dedicated to improving your health and
wellness. It also houses a sports injury clinic and other alternative
therapies, enhancing, empowering and educating you so that you are healthy,
happy and functioning to your best ability.
Our chiropractor and physiotherapist in Bedford
specialise in neck and back pain, arthritic pain management, work related
injuries, and sports, muscle and joint injuries.
We also offer:
- Acupuncture
- Massage
- Craniosacral
- Psychotherapy
& Counselling
- Hypnotherapy
- Reflexology
- Reiki
17 Ampthill Road
MK42 9JP
01234 307565
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