#Spring #Gardening #ProtectYourBackWhilstGardening
Put a spring back in your step with the AMI Clinic Bedford!
Before you start gardening this spring it is important to have some simple gardening advice...
Start by warming up muscles and joints by performing simple stretching exercises.
Start with smaller, less stressful jobs, and take regular breaks.
It is a good idea to kneel down to do your planting, place both knees on a knee pad or kneeler. You can even use an old cushion or blanket. This avoids excessive bending in the spine and cumulative stress with prolonged postures.
Avoid twisting movements and repetitive strain injuries by switching tasks. When lifting anything remember to bend your knees and keep your back straight.
If using a hover mower, you should push it in front of you and face the direction in which you are cutting the grass, rather than swinging it from side to side.
Use your strong arm and thigh muscles to push and pull heavy objects, as opposed to using your back. If a load is too heavy, lighten it and make more than one trip, or recruit someone else to help you lift, pull or push.
Consider using long-handled tools since you won’t need to bend over as far. Use slow, deliberate movements instead of rough or jerky ones.
Rather than using a large spade to dig, use a smaller one, this way you will put less strain on your back by lifting lighter loads. Tools with smaller blades that weigh less may also help you avoid straining your muscles.
Alternate tasks in your garden so that you are not working on the same one for extended periods of time.
Be sure to set realistic goals for yourself so that you don’t rush to try complete a huge project in a short period of time, which can cause you to over-work and lead to injuries and pain.
If you experience back/neck ache/pain as a result of gardening this spring please contact the AMI Clinic Bedford on:
01234 307565
#AMIClinic #SpecialistsIn
#NeckandBackPain #ArthriticPain #WorkInjuries #MuscleAndJointInjuries
#ChiropractorBedford #PhysiotherapistBedford #SportsInjuryClinic #AlternativeTherapy
The AMI Clinic Bedford is a specialist chiropractic
clinic and physiotherapy centre dedicated to improving your health and
wellness. It also houses a sports injury clinic and other alternative
therapies, enhancing, empowering and educating you so that you are healthy,
happy and functioning to your best ability.
Our chiropractor and physiotherapist in Bedford
specialise in neck and back pain, arthritic pain management, work related
injuries, and sports, muscle and joint injuries.
We also offer:
- Acupuncture
- Massage
- Craniosacral
- Psychotherapy
& Counselling
- Hypnotherapy
- Reflexology
- Reiki
17 Ampthill Road
MK42 9JP
01234 307565
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