#SlippedDisc #DiscHerniation #DiscBulge #DiscProlapse
Do you have a #SlippedDisc?
Please watch this video to find out more information!
The discs in between the spinal vertebrae normally act as shock absorbers, absorbing all the weight and load we go through on a day to day basis.
A disc herniation, more commonly known as a slipped disc is a condition where there is a weakening of the disc tissue.
This condition may develop as a natural part of the aging process, but it is more commonly associated with a #BackInjury.
A back injury can occur from number of day to day activities – the most common is sitting for prolonged periods and bending forward and lifting.
A disc injury typically begins when small tears appear in the disc wall as a result of a back injury.
When the body starts to heal the disc tissue, it creates #ScarTissue that is not as strong as the original disc wall. If the back is repeatedly injured, the process of tearing and scarring may continue, weakening the disc wall.
Over time, the nucleus (or centre) of the disc becomes damaged and loses some of its water content. The nucleus can start to leak through the tears and start causing a bulge in the disc tissue. This bulge can push on a #SpinalNerve that lies close to it.
Over time, the disc is unable to act as a cushion, the nucleus collapses. The vertebrae above and below this damaged disc slide closer together. This improper alignment causes the joints to twist and turn into an unnatural position. In time, this awkward positioning of the vertebrae may create #BoneSpurs/ #ArthriticChanges.
Some people experience low back pain, leg pain, numbness or tingling in the leg/s/feet. Pain can come and go. But some people do not even experience pain as certain pain fibres have not yet been excited.
You don’t have to have pain for a problem to occur and develop. So get your spine checked today to ensure it is functioning to its best ability!
Call 01234 307565 to book in for a consultation
#AMIClinic #SpecialistsIn
#NeckandBackPain #ArthriticPain #WorkInjuries #MuscleAndJointInjuries
#ChiropractorBedford #PhysiotherapistBedford #SportsInjuryClinic #AlternativeTherapy #StressReduction
The AMI Clinic Bedford is a specialist chiropractic
clinic and physiotherapy centre dedicated to improving your health and
wellness. It also houses a sports injury clinic and other alternative
therapies, enhancing, empowering and educating you so that you are healthy,
happy and functioning to your best ability.
Our chiropractor and physiotherapist in Bedford
specialise in neck and back pain, arthritic pain management, work related
injuries, and sports, muscle and joint injuries.
We also offer:
- Acupuncture
- Massage
- Craniosacral
- Psychotherapy
& Counselling
- Hypnotherapy
- Reflexology
- Reiki
17 Ampthill Road
MK42 9JP
01234 307565
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